Uncategorized / Mar 2022
Tech / Jul 2015
Art / Jul 2015
Tools are an extension of our hands, and as such, they should be versatile, quick and intuitive. A lot has changed between the print era of offset presses and the digital era of cross-platform screens. Developers have attempted to adapt our tools, but Sketch is perhaps the most successful app.
Inspiration / May 2015
Travel / May 2015
It took me a couple of weeks to finish the first draft of the chapter, then it was reviewed for the first time. Vitaly gave some nice feedback about where I could go into a little more detail (he is always thirsty for more knowledge), so I did. After the second review, there wasn’t much to edit anymore.
Music / May 2015
Tech / May 2015
Art / May 2015
In the foreword to the gorgeous new book Start Me Up!: New Branding for Businesses, from Gestalten, designer Anna Sinofzika mentions of the idea of a “curator-consumer.” You’re likely familiar with this type of shopper (heck, in some form or another you.
Inspiration / May 2015
Tech / Apr 2015